2020年第四季度国际财税管理师IFTM 线上机考圆满结束
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- 发布时间:2020-12-22 13:58
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2020年第四季度国际财税管理师IFTM 线上机考圆满结束
- 分类:协会动态
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- 发布时间:2020-12-22 13:58
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Sunday, Dec. 20, by the International Accountants For Certified Professional AssociationChina representative office organized the second International Finance and Tax ManagerIFTM exam in 2020. Due to the impact of the special global epidemic this year, the IACPA representative office made unified arrangements during the epidemic prevention and control period. More than 1500 IFTM scholars in China participated in this exam.
During the exam, the IACPA representative office assigned a number of administrators to conduct a strict invigilation system for the online examiners, check the examination style and discipline, and carefully organize and arrange the examination.
The IACPA official website will issue a notice on the 30th day after the test. The way of inquiry is as follows:
Go to the "International Accountants For Certified Professional Association" Web site - bottom >
If you have any questions about the online test, please contact the test administrator
Know about IFTM
国际财税管理师简称是IFTM是由国际注册职业会计师协会IACPA 颁发的国际财税管理师证书。国际财税管理师IFTM考试主要测评考生是否全面、系统掌握税收前沿理论,具备独立领导和组织开展本单位的税务管理工作,兼具战略思维和国际视野,解决税务管理复杂问题的能力,积极应对新的经济格局、新的税务环境、新的科技手段、新的工作模式对税务工作的冲击,为中国企业“走出去”提供智力支持。
International Finance and Tax Manager (IFTM) is a certificate of International Finance and Tax Manager issued by International Accountants For Certified Professional AssociationIACPA. International Finance and Tax main ManagerIFTM examination evaluation whether students master the Tax front theory of comprehensive, system, independently and organizations to this unit the leadership of the Tax administration work, with strategic thinking and the International field of vision, the ability to solve the problem of complex Tax management, actively respond to the new economic pattern, the new Tax environment, new technology, new working mode of the impact of the Tax work, and provide intellectual support for Chinese enterprises to "go out".
中国实践 终身教育
2020年国际财税管理师学者超过2700人报名参考了中国区等级考试课程,IFTM 在原有基础上加入了中国税法、中外税法比较、中外会计准则比较等课程,使学员学成后不但具有国际水准,也能在中国落地生根。同时中国中心提供会员继续教育。
In 2020, more than 2700 scholars of International Finance and Tax Manager have signed up for Chinese regional level examination courses. IFTM has added Chinese Tax law, comparison of Chinese and foreign Tax laws, comparison of Chinese and foreign accounting standards and other courses on the basis of the original courses, so that the students will not only have International standards, but also be able to take root in China. At the same time, the China Center provides continuing education for its members.
The first exam for the 2021 IFTMintterNational Finance and Tax Manager qualification will take place on 10 April. Registration is now open.
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